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WAEH 🌍 | Newsletter March 2022

2024-10-15 08:23:49

Thursday March 24
Nurse education webinar!

Want to know more about education for nurses? Please join our next webinar on Thursday March 24: WAEH Nurse Education – Time: 12.00 noon CET 👩🏾‍⚕️ Please check your own timezone and note all chnages

With the following presenters:

  • Mrs. Sheila C. Sanariz: Perioperative Nurse Educator from the Wilmer Eye Institute, Department of Surgery.
  • Mr. Tendai Gwenhure: Clinical Educator (Lead for Student Nurse’s/ RTP Nurses), From the Moorfields Eye Hospital
  • Mr. Lucas Bruinsma: physician assistant from The Rotterdam Eye Hospital, The Netherlands

Register here

Tuesday October 4 – Monday October 11

WAEH 16TH Annual Meeting

During the annual meetings members have the opportunity to collaborate and exchange information and knowledge about all kinds of topics. Good examples of this include improving the efficiency in the service given to patients and continuous development of patient pathways.

Since the establishment of the WAEH in 2007 in Rotterdam, the WAEH has had the opportunity to visit eyehospitals in Rotterdam and Leuven (2007), Singapore, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur (annual meeting 2008), Sweden, Finland and Estonia (annual meeting 2009), Melbourne and Jakarta (annual meeting 2010), in London and Leuven (annual meeting 2011), Seoul and Bangkok (2012), Mexico (2013), India and Dubai (2014), Singapore (2015), Rotterdam (2016), the 11thannual meeting was hosted by the Tianjin Medical University Eye Hospital in China (2017), the 12th by the Kellogg Eye Center from Ann Arbor, USA and the 13th annual meeting in London (2019).

In 2020 and 2021 we had a fully digital event due to Corona.

The hosts of the 2022 edition are:  Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins (Baltimore, USA) and the UCSF Eye Health (San Francisco, USA).

Location 2022: Baltimore & San Francisco, USA

Read more here – Programme to be announced!

WAEH Medical Outcome Group focusing on Primary Retinal Detachment!

In February, the WAEH has started to develop the second WAEH medical outcome indicator set – this time  focusing on primary retinal detachment. This group is lead by The Rotterdam Eye Hospital.

As WAEH we are currently also in the middle of finalizing our first WAEH Medical Indicator Set, a Value Based Healthcare project led by keratoconus-specialist dr. Elsie Chan from the Royal Victorian Eye & Ear Hospital from Melbourne!

Want to know more? Please contact Maaike van Zuilen:

Start Communities of Practice

Global Communications & PR
Are you a communications professional and working in an eyehospital?
Join the Communities of Practice Global Communications. This is a threemonthly meet up via zoom of one hour in which we share ideas, brainstorm about global PR, research interesting good practices of patient communications. Members: communication professionals working in eyehospitals worldwide.
Want to join? Send an email to Maaike:

Nurse Education
Are you a nursing professional and working in an eyehospital?
Join the Communities of Practice for Nurses:
Meeting date: Thursday 24 March
Time: 12.00 CET
Register via

Prosthetics / 3D printing
Interested in hearing more about prosthetics / 3D printing?
Join the Communities of Practice for prosthetics / 3D printing.
This communities of practice shares currently ideas via email.
A webinar is planned for April / May – date to be planned.
Interested to join? Send an email to Maaike:

Medical Outcomes Keratoconus
The Medical Outcome group that has developed the Medical Indicator Set for Keratoconus is almost ready. When the set is ready, a webinar will be organized, it will be spread to all the WAEH members and also be published on the WAEH Knowledge Hub. The initial group of people will come together every 3 months to check the status of the set.
Meeting dates: to be announced
Interested to join the Communities of Practice about Keratoconus? Send an email to Maaike:

Medical Outcomes Primary Retinal Detachment
Interested to join he Communities of Practice about Primary Retinal Detachment? Send an email to Maaike:

2022 – Call for projects

Each year 2 to 3 projects are led by our member eye hospitals to help shape and improve ophthalmic care on a global scale. Each project can be budgeted with a budget of 7.500 euro. This is paid from the fees of the WAEH membership. We would like to invite all eyehospitals to share their project ideas. 

One of the current projects is the WAEH Medical Outcome project: currently two indicator sets are under development, one for Keratoconus (finalize this month, March 2022) and one Primary Retinal Detachment (started February 2022).

What about the Project Groups?

  • They are led by WAEH Members
  • Focused on specific themes from Artificial intelligence to Medical outcomes
  • Group members network and brainstorm via online Zoom meetings to maximise the impact and reach of sharing knowledge during the projects
  • Group members share their lessons learned, knowledge and experience also via the WAEH knowledge hub and via the WAEH newsletter
  • Group members host a round table and present their project during the Annual Meeting

Ideas are welcome!
Do you have an idea of something you would like to change or innovate in your Eyehospital? Want to run a WAEH project? Send in your project proposal! Check out the project proposal format
For an example, see the project proposal about the Patient Enucleation Education Package – a project ran by Mitchell Wilson from the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital from Melbourne in the most excellent way: project proposal Patient Enucleation Education Package.

Questions? Contact Maaike van Zuilen:

Deadline: 30 April 2022

Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins Medicine

First Audio Book for Glaucoma Patients Available Free of Charge

At Wilmer Eye Institute, glaucoma experts Harry Quigley and Mona Kaleem have published the first-ever audio book for glaucoma patients, with 25 chapters on everything from testing and treatments to vision rehabilitation. 

Access the book here

The Victoria Cohen Eye Cancer Charitable Trust

Press Release: The Victoria Cohen Eye Cancer Charitable Trust to offer US$25,000 scholarship per annum in support of fellowships. Applications for 2022 naw open

The Victoria Cohen Eye Cancer Charitable Trust (VCECCT) is now open for applications from aspiring ocular oncologists in need of financial support for their training and education.

One award of US$25,000 is made each year to support someone applying for, or currently undertaking, an ocular oncology fellowship anywhere in the world.

The Victoria Cohen Scholarship is awarded to the most -deserving applicant, as determined by the charity’s expert judging panel of international ocular oncologists.

The deadline for applications is 31st March 2022. The successful applicant will be informed of their award on 1st July 2022.

Read more here
Source: The Victoria Cohen Eye Cancer Charitable Trust

The Rotterdam Eyehospital

Rotterdam Eye Hospital is the first to test the latest phaco machine from ZEISS

The Eye Hospital Rotterdam was the first hospital in the Benelux to gain experience with the latest innovative phaco machine from ZEISS. This machine is designed to perform cataract surgery.

ZEISS asked Het Oogziekenhuis to test their latest innovative development in cataract surgery and to suggest possible improvements.

Ophthalmologist Bart Zijlmans was able to operate for 2 weeks with the ZEISS QUATERA 700 phaco machine and then give feedback to the international ZEISS team regarding surgical experiences.

Ophthalmologist Zijlmans tests latest ZEISS phacomachine
The new QUATERA 700 phaco machine has an innovative ZEISS patented QUATTRO pumpÂŽ. This pump can better monitor and coordinate the administration of BSS fluid (irrigation) and the aspiration of BSS fluid (aspiration). BSS fluid is a sterile fluid that keeps the eye moist and flushed clean before, during and after surgery. Also, the QUATTRO pumpÂŽ has the option to maintain a constant eye pressure and stable anterior chamber during surgery.

Read more here (in Dutch)
Source: Oogziekenhuis Rotterdam

Moorfields Eye Hospital

Moorfields staff recognised for their pandemic response

Staff from across Moorfields have been recognised with an excellence award for their pandemic response.  

Moorfields has been announced as joint winners for a team award in the category of ‘Partnerships with Others’ at the annual Barnet Enfield and Haringey (BEH) Excellence Awards 2021.

Redeployment to support the wider London reponse

Moorfields staff were redeployed at the beginning of 2021 to provide invaluable care and support to BEH on Capetown and Canterbury Wards.

This gave additional capacity, at very short notice, to deliver physical health ‘step down’ facilities for local people recovering from Covid-19, as well as supporting the North Middlesex University Hospital during a time of significant pressure, with very high numbers of Covid-19.

Read more here
Source: Moorfields Eye Hospital

The Royal Victorian Eye And Ear Hospital

How Cochlear Implants are helping young children with Usher syndrome

The Eye and Ear performs all of Victoria’s cochlear implant surgeries. Cochlear implants can be life changing for patients who have not experienced success with a traditional hearing aid.

One group of people who have seen great results from cochlear implants are children with Usher syndrome. People with Usher syndrome often have partial or total hearing loss and a gradual vision loss caused by retinitis pigmentosa.

The Eye and Ear’s Cochlear team recently participated in a video created by UsherKids Australia to support parents to better understand the process and benefits of a cochlear implant for their children.

Read more here
Watch the video here
Source: The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital

The Rotterdam Eyehospital

Two fireworks victims in The Rotterdam Eyehospital

Update January 3, 2022: In the meantime, a total of five victims with eye injuries due to fireworks have been reported at Het Oogziekenhuis Rotterdam.

During New Year’s Eve only two firework victims with eye injuries were brought to Het Oogziekenhuis Rotterdam. The injury is not permanent in both patients. Both patients were bystanders and did not set off fireworks themselves.
It is possible that victims from other regions will still be brought to the hospital, but it is very unlikely that this will involve large numbers.

Read more here (in Dutch)


Moorfields/UCL delivering innovative, rapid and safe NHS eye care at Brent Cross shopping centre

Moorfields Eye Hospital has opened a new pop-up diagnostic hub at Brent Cross, in a space that was previously a retail shop, in a unique research collaboration with UCL. This enables some people to be seen closer to their homes, providing a convenient way for them to access diagnostic eye care.
The new eye clinic has been designed by a team of UCL architects and scientists led by Professor Paul Foster (NIHR Biomedical Research Centre [BRC] at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and UCL Institute of Ophthalmology), as part of a new NIHR-supported research project, aimed at enhancing the future delivery of UK and global healthcare. 
On entering the hub, patients will have a series of high-tech eye tests in an environment that takes its inspiration from high-efficiency commercial settings such as automotive and aerospace manufacturing. At all times patients will be socially distanced, have far fewer interactions and spend less time indoors – reducing the chance of transmission of Covid-19 and other viruses.
Over the next few months, the pop-up clinic will be reconfigured several times using UCL-designed moveable ‘smart’ walls and floating electrical and data ‘umbilical cords’. The aim is to establish the most time-efficient and cost-effective layout for patient throughput. An innovative ‘eye-pod’ will also be studied, in which patients will sit and rotate to have tests on different pieces of equipment in a secure, light- and sound-controlled environment. 

Read more here

Source: Moorfields Eye Hospital

Questions? Share news?

Do you have a special request? Would you like to organize a webinar or share news? Fill in this WAEH form

Or would you like to be (digitally) connected to a certain person in one of our member eye hospitals? Please feel very welcome to contact Maaike van Zuilen:

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