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Ralf Toenjes

Strengthening Eye Health through Collaboration for Philanthropic Assistance to Vulnerable Populations

Instituto Suel Abujamra, in collaboration with Renovatio, Instituto Verter, and GoodVision South America, has formed a strategic alliance called Juntos pela Visão (“United for Vision”). Over the past year, Instituto Suel has closely collaborated with these organizations on philanthropic initiatives throughout Brazil, raising funds from various stakeholders to provide comprehensive eye care to vulnerable and remote populations all over Brazil. The organization has received support from partners such as Bank of America, Santander, AT&T, and United Health Group, among others.

In 2022, we provided philanthropic assistance to over 100,000 individuals with the alliance (besides our hospital operations). Our school program has become the national reference and the government aims to transform it into a public policy. It can leverage the revenue of our hospital three times in the next four years.

The main benefits of this project are: increased employee and physician engagement, generation of new
funds througgmailh the sale of ESG programs to companies and foundations, establishment of
partnerships with stakeholders beyond eye care, and the opportunity to test new technologies through
research protocols. Ultimately, the efforts of the alliance have helped people that wouldn’t ever be reached by the hospital alone; and deliver the same quality of care.

Key sentences

  • Benefits of a strategic alliance between the hospital and other non-profits to help people in vulnerable situations on a large scale
  • How we raised funds and established partnerships beyond eyecare
  • How philanthropic work can leverage the revenue and sustainability of the hospital
  • Benefits of philanthropic work for our teams and physicians
  • How the alliance with the non-profits for philanthropic work was also were beneficial for the normal daily operations of our hospital