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Yongmei Zhang

How globalization and innovation are revolutionizing the global eye care system?

Aier is now the largest eye service provider in the world in terms of the scale of the network, with its presence in 3 continents and 9 countries. How does globalization help Aier to grow and what do we see in the future of global collaboration? Aier is building up an eye care ecosystem to encourage innovation. How innovation will shape our future growth paths?

And what are the essentials of innovation that shall be considered as our priorities as a result of a global healthcare crisis?

  1. Evolve- Given the economic, societal, and operational ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare leaders should consider which aspects of their business models are resilient and which will face challenges as value pools shift.
  2. Accelerate and scale- The high human and economic costs associated with COVID-19 make it more
    important than ever to rapidly accelerate and scale medical innovations.
  3. Extend and mobilize- As they pursue promising innovations on short timelines, healthcare organizations will likely face gaps in capabilities and capacity. To address them, they should consider extending their efforts beyond their own walls to external partners.(Speech for about 20 minutes)

Key sentences

  • Globalization
  • Innovation
  • Evolve
  • Accelerate
  • Extend